Green Dragon Brew Crew ends decade long relationship at Rogue Ales
Since 2009, the Green Dragon Brew Crew has gathered, brewed, and drank together inside the southeast Portland brewery of first, their namesake Green Dragon, and then Rogue Brewing’s Eastside Pub. Rogue purchased beloved beer bar the Green Dragon in 2008, and transitioned it into the Rogue Eastside Pub in late 2016, but the small batch homebrewer collaboration GDBC lived on.
Consisting of fifteen members, some of whom have come and gone throughout the years, the Crew has always been part homebrewer’s collective, part nano-brewery, and part training ground for a handful of folks who would go on to their own successful careers as brewers. The beers they cranked out were often experimental, reflective of the adventurous, entrepreneurial brewing spirit that put Portland on the map. This past week, the current members of Green Dragon announced that their nearly fifteen-year run in the space will come to a close effective immediately.
Alex Graham, who has been a member since 2012, says that both Rogue and Green Dragon agreed that it was time for a change. “The pandemic has been difficult for everyone, including Rogue and the Green Dragon Brewers. After several difficult years of operation it was time for a change, both for us as well as Rogue. We have always appreciated the support Rogue has given us, but it is time for us to move on and re-energize our program.”
Details are still vague but Rogue President Dharma Tamm alludes to changes in the works with the Green Dragon space. “While we don't have any final plans for that space to share currently, we can say that we are looking to update and change how we utilize it,” he says. “We've enjoyed working with the Green Dragon Brew Crew for over a decade while they brewed up around 500 batches of outstanding and inventive beers in the Pilot Brewery at our Rogue Eastside Pub. We want to thank the Green Dragon Brew Crew, it's been a great run and we wish them all the best in their next chapter.”
In 2019 Rogue Ales brewed and bottled a Green Dragon Brew Crew 10th Anniversary Beer
While the closing is sad for the group, they also see it not as the end but as the closing of this chapter. “We will definitely be continuing to brew beers at home and elsewhere, and with the many friends, former guests, and former Green Dragon brewers in the brewing industry. With so many amazing breweries in the Portland area right now, we are excited to have conversations with some of them about new opportunities to collaborate. Possibly, they could help continue this very unique project to connect with, contribute to, and collaborate with Portland’s thriving homebrewing community,” says Graham.
To celebrate, the Crew decided to go out the way they came in with their “Finale IPA,” which was based on the recipe that they first brewed at the Green Dragon way back in 2009.
“That first recipe was created by the original Green Dragon Brewers and was named ‘Finally IPA’ in celebration of the fact that they were finally able to get the paperwork completed and equipment working to brew that long-planned, first batch,” says Graham.
“Finale IPA” is a classic West Coast style IPA, made from local craft malt, with Simcoe and Cascade hops, updated to suit contemporary expectations for a great IPA – more hop aroma, less bitterness, and a drier finish.
During their stint, the Green Dragon Brew Crew racked up some impressive statistics that Graham is proud to rail off. “We were in operation at the Green Dragon (we still call it that) for 4,734 days, brewed 490 beers, produced 87,708 pints of beer, hosted 142 guest brewers and released a beer 540 consecutive Wednesday nights. Of the fifteen Green Dragon brewers, two went on to become professional brewers, and four have started their own breweries in the Portland area: Montavilla Brew Works, Bent Shovel Brewing, War and Leisure Brewing, and Labyrinth Forge Brewing.”
Various members offer their own fond reflections on the significance and accomplishments of Green Dragon Brew Crew:
I am deeply appreciative of the years of generosity and hospitality that Rogue has shown us, our guest brewers, and the brewing community for all these years, and extremely optimistic for the opportunity we have going forward.
I also feel a deep sense of responsibility to everyone who made the Green Dragon what it was and what it became – to the founders, to the friends, and to the fans that we’ve made over the years. The Green Dragon truly meant something to a lot of people, and we will work hard to ensure that legacy lives on. - Alex Graham (2012-Present)
It has been a lot of hard, joyous work. We have been drawn together by our joy of brewing and the times and fellowship we shared are special. One of the most rewarding things has been the people who have come in, enjoyed a pint of our beer, bought another one, and taken the time to tell us how much they appreciate it. Helping home brewers raise their game and seeing the smile on their face when a pint of their beer is on tap has been a special thing. Rogue has been a gracious host and I appreciate everything they have done to support us. - Rich Hawthorne (2009-Present)
While I'm one of the newer Green Dragon Brewers, being able to brew alongside this many exceptional brewers has elevated my brewing technique more in the last several years, than decades brewing at home. I have learned so much from each of them - from Steve's keen ability to dial in the perfect water adjustment, or Tracy's palate and impressive vocabulary for effectively describing fermented beverages (good and bad!), or Alex's focus on quality and efficiency, to Dean's obsession to brew the most obscure Belgian style beers, and Dylan's foolishness to brew a Brown IPA with me, to Rich coaching me on how best to hop my lagers and to properly perform a decoction mash. I have always looked forward to our next Stammtisch to share a pint, and further our collective brewing knowledge. - Verian Wedeking (2019-Present)
It was a great honor to be invited to join the Green Dragon Brewers. I had only been homebrewing for a few years and I saw this as an amazing opportunity to learn from some really great brewers and gain much needed experience. I also found it quite amazing that Rogue was willing to host us and provide us with such independence. The Green Dragon Brewers really work together and bring different perspectives, experience and skills to the team. We always have fun when we’re together. Brewing on this crew provided me with the knowledge and courage to open Labyrinth Forge Brewing. It also has provided me with, what I consider to be, lifelong friends. - Dylan VanDetta (2016-Present)
I’m grateful to be a part of the Green Dragon team and having the opportunity to work collaboratively with others to create delicious and unique beers! I always look forward to our weekly Stammtish and getting to know the crew better as we critique our beers and discuss the latest developments in the Portland beer scene. Many thanks to the Rogue staff for their hospitality and sharing their space and resources with us over the years. I’m looking forward to the next phase of the Green Dragon! - Dean Ehnes (2019-Present)
Stay tuned to The New School for more details on the next chapter of Green Dragon.