Week 3 of the Virtual Hop Harvest
Hop harvest at Riverside Hop Farm in St. Paul, Oregon 9/14/2020
The farmer owned global hop supplier network at Yakima Chief Hops has began week 3 of their virtual hop harvest. For anyone wanting to catch up on this years hop growing season, the series of blog posts, forums, seminars and q & a’s are a great view. We have also learned a little about how the wind storm and wildfires are effecting hops.
“We don’t see any significant issue with smoke…the sensory folks that check the hops when they come in are not concerned about it” said Steve Carpenter, chief supply chain officer for Yakima Chief Hops.
Below is the full schedule for week three of Virtual Harvest. This week, YCH will continue to work their way further into the farm to pint journey. Some hot topics include dry hopping best practices, brewing hazy beers, contracting and as "behind-the-scenes" as it gets with our proprietary Cryo Hops® processing facility.
The links to the webinars for each session will be updated in the schedule at virtualharvest.com at the start of each day.
You may also choose to utilize an event app called Whova, which can accommodate our international participants. This is free to download via mobile device or desktop and will require you to input a code to access the YCH Virtual Harvest Event. To get the code, you must register HERE. The Event App includes the full schedule, links to all sessions, presentation material, speaker information, live Chat, notifications, and more. It will also send notifications regarding the event. For more information on the Whova app, click HERE.
Speaker and Host Bios, visit speaker page.
MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 149 AM - Harvest Update
1 PM - Quality Assurance at Yakima Chief Hops
9 AM - Farm Tour: Jackson Hop Farm
11 AM - Panel Discussion: Hazy Beers
WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 167 AM - Contracting (Europe-specific)
9 AM - Facility Tour: Cryo Hops® and Pelleting
11 AM - Contracting Hops
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1710 AM - Panel Discussion: All Things Sensory
5 PM - Hoppy Hour: Interview with Balter Brewing
7 PM - Hoppy Hour: Interview with Far Yeast Brewing
12 PM - Tarik Talks Tacos
1 PM - Advanced Dry Hopping Techniques (en español)
3 PM - Q&A with Hop Historian Ralph Woodall
To submit a question for Ralph to answer during this session, fill out our question submission form.