Back in November 2017 we showcased twelve Oregon brewers you should follow on instagram, little did we know it would be such a big hit that we have went back to the well to find ten more that we previously overlooked. These are ten more Oregon brewers to follow on instagram for a little inside look into the brewing world and the lives of those who make the beers we love to drink and talk about.
Mike Brady has brewed all over the Oregon beer landscape from stints at Boneyard, Breakside, McMenamins, Ordnance and now Riverbend Brewing back in Bend, Oregon. From his instagram page description, Brady is the "Brewer, sales, R&D, social media director, janitor, logistics, brewery chef, keg mover, comedic relief at Riverbend Brewing." His feed is full of brewery goofing around and traveling where you can see the behind-the-scenes of lots of fruit beers like a meyer lemon, kumquat and ginger sour ale made at McMenamins to the fruited milkshake IPA's he's making now at Riverbend.

The alterego of Charlie Van Meter, currently the head brewer at one of 2017's best new breweries - Allegory Brewing in McMinnville, Oregon. Charlie cut his teeth in the early days of Sasquatch Brewing before a stint at Logsdon Farmhouse Ales before taking the reigns at Yachats Brewing when they began. As head brewer at Yachats, Van Meter crafted some buzz worthy saisons and wild ales like their Peche and Salal Sour among many others. Following Charlie on instagram is equal parts a look at the dirty and romantic aspects of the brewer life as well as lighthearted fun, travels and food. You can often find a preview here of exciting new beers Van Meter is working on and drop him a line as he is usually quick to respond.

The account of Tom Fischer, a bartender turned apprentice brewer turned Breakside Brewery's innovation brewer at the new Northwest Portland Slabtown Pub. Tom has quickly rosen up the ranks from bartending at Deschutes Brewery and Breakside's original Dekum brewpub to putting in the work to become a brewer at their Milwaukie facility and recently risen to his envious position at the new NW brewpub. Tom chronicles his beer drinking and adventurous life with fellow beer industry devotee and his wife Janelle Harrie, a bartender at Bailey's Taproom. This instagram is full of eccentric things that makes Fischer happy, from the strange sights of Beijing to some delicious Texas briskey and an overly full mash tun of malt.

Justin Miller is a brewer at Hopworks Urban Brewery and seemingly a world traveler from the looks of his instagram. Interspersed between beautiful majestic photos of his travels like an ancient temple in Bangkok, a foggy volcano in Costa Rica to the Painted Hills in Colorado. You may even find some beer pics like visiting Maui Brewing in Hawaii or enjoying a Tepache over the Columbia River Gorge. Regardless of your interests, his photos are beautiful and you will be envious of the locations.

Kyle Krause is a current brewer at one of Oregon's best breweries - pFriem Family Brewers. Krause is a recent expat of the fallen The Commons Brewery and before that was with Widmer Brothers. On his twistedsnifter instagram you are going to get beer, brewing, beer and lots more brewing and that is a very good thing. There are some beautiful pics of some of the most photographable and inside perspectives of the art of brewing. Kyle doesn't share images super often but when he does, it's interesting stuff, from adding fruit to filling barrels.

Sarah Resnick is the young assistant winemaker turned Head Brewer at The Dalles Freebridge Brewing who we
recently interviewed. Her instagram feed is a love letter to craft and the outdoors. Every shot lovingly taken of favorite food, people and things, even the brewing photos feel like an intimate personal snapshot into her life. An admittedly inexperienced brewer, she succeeds in showing the everyday struggles and simple passions that propeled her into a Head Brewer role in record time.

The chronicles of Aaron Gillham, a homebrew shop pro turned professional brewer who has taken the reigns at Yachats Brewing & Farmstore. Gillham has a creative and playful mindset and his instagram photos reflect that. If you are interested in brewing shots you are going to dig Gillham's adventures like slicing and pureeing 360 lbs of watermelons to add to barrels or writing numerous messages of "send nudes" in chopped vegetables or loose dried hops. His instagram is fun, goofy, interesting and always entertaining.

Follow Ryan Buxton, the Head Brewer at Portland's popular charity driven Ex Novo Brewing. Ryan is a veteran of Epic Brewing in Salt Lake City and has been with Ex Novo for a year and a half where he has helped lead the way into cans, hazy IPA's and some great fruited sours. Currently he's pumped about a new coolship and hopes to launch the first spontaneously fermented beer in Portland from a TBA new project. His instagram varies between kids, brewing, pop culture and friends.
nrbeeer - Natalie Baldwin
Natalie Baldwin is an R & D brewer at Breakside Brewery and also one of the people behind the breaksidetwinsagain account. On her instagram you will find a bit of beer, a bit of style and a lot of friends. From frequent pictures of the hashtag #ladybrewergirlgang and the brewing life, favorite things from coffee to pastry to her dog and travels. But most of all Natalie's feed showcases the incredible gap between the less glamorous and hard work of brewing like new work boots or washing out a mash tun to photo shoots with Willamette Week and Girls Inc. You will also get the feeling that Natalie enjoys every minute of it and perhaps more than anything has a love of the people, friends, family that keep the industry a tight knit group.

Richard "Rik" Hall is the co-owner and co-head brewer of southeast Portland's Baerlic Brewing. The 10bbl DIY-style brewery and tasting room is truly a small operation, with a small staff that does everything as proved by Rik's instagram feed where you will get a sample of everyday life from brewing to sink cleaning. There is plenty of inside beer stuff here from short promo videos on Baerlic and their beers to previews of upcoming releases and designs. There is a lot of cool stuff here for fans and Rik will keep you updated with cool event info too.