The Civic Taproom's 2019 March Madness IPA Blind Taste-Off

Downtown Portland's The Civic Taproom and Bottle Shop presents the 2019 March Madness IPA Blind Tasting challenge from March 21st through April 5th. This bracketed IPA taste-off of 8 IPAs each round will end with a winner being crowned on April 8th.
March 21 - April 5 - IPA Blind Taste Bracket Challenge
On Thursday, March 21st the Civic Taproom will be tapping eight IPA's to be tasted blindly and then voted on all weekend. The winners will be announced the following Monday, and will move on to the second round which will start on Thursday the 28th. The winners from that round will face off in a final round to be tapped on Friday April 5th and can be voted on until Sunday the 7th. The winner will be announced Monday April 8th.
Participating Breweries:
Crux Fermentation Project
Oregon City Brewing Company
Fortside Brewing Company
Trap Door Brewing
Pono Brewing
Baerlic Brewing Co.
Sunriver Brewing Co.
Ex Novo Brewing
The Civic Taproom and Bottle Shop
621 SW 19th Ave, Portland, Oregon 97205