Von Ebert Brewing 1 Year Anniversary Party
It's already been one year since Von Ebert Brewing opened in Northwest Portland's Pearl District, replacing Fat Head's Brewing PDX. Fat Head's was a franchised offshoot of the Ohio-based brewery that won fans over in Portland, mainly for their big bold hop delivery mechanisms. Tom Cook opened the Portland Fat Head's, but after about four years decided it was better off as its own unique entity. The brewpub was briefly closed and re-imagined as Von Ebert Brewing. Count us among the fans that Fat Head's won over; we were equally nervous and excited to see what version 2.0 of the space would look like, and have never been disappointed. With a team headed up by former The Commons Brewery alumni Sam Pecoraro and Sean Burke, Von Ebert's beers are more wide ranging than ever, and the food is less over the top and more beer friendly, as is the decor.
Von Ebert Brewing opened a second location in NE Portland, dubbed Von Ebert Glendoveer, and they will be hosting the Portland Farmhouse and Wild Ale Festival April 5-7th. If that's not a good reason to check out the warmer, more intimate and old school Eastside location, then I don't know what is.
Von Ebert will be releasing two new beers:Tirage, a keg-conditioned version of their popular brut IPA Sabrage; and a Barrel-Aged Coffee Stout.For food options, VE's happy hour food menu is going all day long on Wednesday, plus 2 food specials: Beet & Broccoli Salad and Smoked Quartered Chicken with onion, chickpeas, beans & garlic.For Stein Society Members, starting at 6PM there is a special buffet. You can become a Stein Society Member for ONLY $50 or renew for only $25.Wednesday, February 27th 5pm -Von Ebert Brewing - Pearl131 NW 13th Ave, Portland, Oregon 97209