Cheers To Pilsner - Czech Fest
Two small, independent outer eastside Portland brewers are throwing the Cheers to Pilsner Czech Fest on Saturday, Nov. 16th. Threshold Brewing & Blending and Gateway Brewing are teaming up for this event commemorating the 30th anniversary of the Czech Revolution.
More from a press release:
Raise a glass to toast the events of November 1989 when the Czech and Slovak people rose up in nonviolent protest to end 40 years of Communist rule.
Gateway Brewing’s Parkrose Pilsner will be on tap alongside Threshold’s menu of beers. The breweries will donate all proceeds from sales of Parkrose Pilsner and Threshold’s Side Street LITE Lite pilsner-style ale to the Czech School of Portland. Authentic Czech pub food will be served by Tabor, famous for the Original Schnitzelwich.
Cheers to Pilsner - Czech Fest takes place on Saturday, November 16, 2019 from 3:00 pm to 8:00 pm at Threshold Brewing and Blending located at 403 SE 79th Ave, Portland, OR 97215. All ages are welcome.

About Threshold Brewing & Blending.
Threshold Brewing & Blending was founded in 2010 by homebrewers Jarek Szymanski and David Fuller. They aim to continue what they've been doing since they first fell in love with beer: share their craft with others, brew the beers they love, push boundaries and connect with their town and neighborhood. Threshold is about a shared community, a place to bring family, a place to try good things and a place to meet good people. For more information, visit, like them on Facebook or follow them on Instagram @thresholdbeer.

About Gateway Brewing.
Gateway Brewing is a Portland, Oregon-based, family-owned craft brewery launched in 2015. Their beers are available in bars and restaurants across Oregon and from the brewery in kegs, growlers and cans. Gateway is an active part of the East Portland community providing personalized beertending services at public and private events. For more information, visit, like them on Facebook gatewaybrewingpdx or follow them on Twitter and Instagram @gatewaybrewpdx.
About The Czech School of Portland.
Czech School of Portland provides language and cultural education and aims to maintain Czech cultural heritage—including Czech art, music, and literature—while strengthening multicultural understanding. Run by a team of dedicated volunteers, the school offers weekly classes for school age students and cultural programs for audiences of all ages. For more information, visit